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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Filter Design Tool >
   Filter Design Wizard >
       Wizard Step 1 Properties           

Wizard Step 1 Properties

In this first dialog page of the design wizard, primary filter properties are selected. Available options for each property are given in lists placed vertically on the page. The selection of an item in a list affects the number of options in the lists at the right. When selecting an item updates the lists to its right, the same options will be selected if they still exist. If they do not, the first available option is selected.

The lists are placed in the following order of priority:

• Passband

• Topology

• Approximation

• Prototype

• Technology



You can choose the passband type of the filter from the constant options: lowpass, highpass, bandpass and bandstop.



This list lets you select a circuit structure together with its lumped and distributed domain of elements. If the topology you have selected can be realized with a physical structure rather than lumped LC components, the physical structure options are listed in the rightmost technology list. Examples of physical structures may be Combline, Edge Coupled and Interdigital topologies.



Mostly independent from the topology, filters may have different approximations or transfer functions. The Filter Design Tool offers a wide range of approximations, each of which comes with pros and cons. Bessel approximation, for example, presents superior passband delay performance while having a poor stopband (out-of-band) suppression. Elliptic approximation has the highest stopband attenuation while having a fairly high passband (in-band) group delay. Chebyshev approximation presents a trade-off for these two and by far it is the most used approximation in high frequency filter applications.



For some approximations, there are several other options and they are presented in this list. For example, you can select the amount of passband ripple and stopband attenuation for a generalized Chebyshev type filter from the options in the prototype list.



This list lets you select the realization medium (substrate) of the filter. Available options include Microstrip, Stripline and Rectangular Bars. You can also select Ideal which will confine the design wizard to design electrical equivalent circuit only.


The topics for this section include:

Viewing Samples and Information

Loading Built-in Examples

Changing Units

Ripple, Corners and Load Dialog Box

Quality Factors Dialog Box

Rectangular Waveguide Dialog Box


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