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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Filter Design Tool >
   Filter Design Wizard >
       Wizard Step 1 Properties >
           Rectangular Waveguide Dialog Box               

Rectangular Waveguide Dialog Box

For all filters except waveguide filters, an electrical equivalent circuit is found before the physically realizable structure is determined. A waveguide must already be selected to design a waveguide filter. This is because the electrical equivalent circuit depends on the cutoff frequency of the waveguide. Furthermore, the waveguide specifications cannot be re-edited after completing the design wizard. You can specify waveguide parameters only in the Properties page of the design wizard.


To specify rectangular waveguide parameters:

1. Bring up the dialog box by clicking Waveguide in the Properties page of the design wizard.

2. Type in Width and Height fields.

3. You may select standard waveguide dimensions from the list on the right. To do that, select a waveguide item and click Get Data. Or double click on a waveguide item.

4. Click OK.

For convenience, TE10 wavelength parameters are listed in the dialog box. They are:

• Lfsp : plane wavelength at given frequency

•  Lcut : cutoff wavelength

• fcut : cutoff frequency

• Lgdd : guided wavelength at given frequency


To calculate wavelength information:

1. In the dialog box, type in Freq field. Frequency information is for reference information only and it is not part of the waveguide specifications.

2. Click Recalculate.

3. This information is automatically updated when the user edits Width or Height fields and takes the focus out of them.



Next Wizard Step ... Normalized G-values


HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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