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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Filter Design Tool >
   Filter Design Wizard >
       Wizard Step 2 Normalized G-values           

Wizard Step 2 Normalized G-values

You may specify the lowpass prototype element values if no transfer function (approximation) is suitable for your application. In order to do this, you need to select User defined in the Approximation list in the Properties page of the design wizard and click Next. You may then create lumped LP-prototypes containing LC components.



If an approximation other than User defined is selected, this design wizard step is skipped.


To modify the prototype circuit elements:

1. In the schematic on bottom right, click on an element. Or you may select an element from the leftmost Prototype circuit list.

2. To change the type and/or values of the element, select the new type from the Prototype element list, enter required L, C, m fields and click Change.

3. To append a new element to the end of the schematic before load termination, select the new type from the Prototype element list, enter the required L, C, m fields and click Append. The current selection is not taken into account in this operation.

4. To insert an element before the selected element, select the new type from the Prototype element list, enter the required L, C, m fields and click Insert. The current selection is not taken into account in this operation.

5. To delete the selected element, click Delete.

6. To change normalized load termination, type in gn+1 and click Set.

7. To recreate g-values or to recreate all the elements from KQ-values, type in KQ-values line by line and click Recreate G-values. The first line is taken as the KQ-value list is Q1 and the last line Qn. All the values in-between are K12, K23, K34, etc.

8. When the prototype circuit is completed, press Next to proceed to the next design wizard page.


The topics for this section include:

Available Prototype Elements

Using Standard G-values

Using 3-dB Down KQ-values


HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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