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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Filter Design Tool >
   Filter Design Wizard >
       Wizard Step 2 Normalized G-values >
           Using Standard G-values               

Using Standard G-values

You can use standard G-values as a basis for your prototype circuit values. Standard G-values are either read from readily made prototype tables or calculated on the fly. In fact, Filter Design Tool uses these G-values when you select any approximation type other than User defined in the Properties page of the design wizard.


To recreate prototype elements from standard G-values:

1. Click Standard G-values to bring up the Standard G-values dialog box.

2. In the dialog box, select a type from the Approximation list.

3. Type in Order field. All fields have acceptable range information next to them.

4. Type in Ripple[dB]. This field is enabled only for Chebyshev approximation.

5. Type in Normalized Ro. This field is enabled only for Maximally Flat and Chebyshev approximations. You can design already-matched prototype G-values for unequal terminations by specifying a value other than 1.0 for Normalized Ro (load). Note that “Normalized Rs (source)” value is always taken 1.0.

6. Check or clear Doubly terminated values. For standard approximations, Filter Design Tool uses doubly terminated values, which means the source and load terminations have finite values. They cannot take zero or infinity (an unusually large number is also taken infinity). You may clear the checkbox to get singly terminated values which may be used in some diplexer applications. Initially this option is checked.

7. Click Generate.

8. G-values will appear in the G-values list on the right. They are also automatically generated when a different approximation is selected.

9. Click OK.

The selected set of G-values will then be used to create prototype circuit elements.


You can modify the prototype elements, add or delete elements or tailor the values as desired. You can also leave the prototype unchanged and proceed to the next stage of the design wizard. In fact, this has the same effect as skipping this Normalized G-values page by choosing a standard approximation in the first place.

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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