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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Filter Design Tool >
   Filter Design Wizard >
       Wizard Step 2 Normalized G-values >
           Using 3-dB Down KQ-values               

Using 3-dB Down KQ-values

You can use standard 3-dB down KQ-values as a basis to your prototype circuit values. You can select a set of KQ-values and then convert them to G-values, i.e., prototype circuit elements. KQ-values are read from existing built-in tables.


To recreate prototype elements from standard KQ-values:

1. Click 3-dB down tables to bring up the 3-dB down KQ-values dialog box.

2. In the dialog box, select a type from the Approximation list.

3. Type in n (order) field. Click Read.

4. In the list below, select a row to use KQ-values from. Sets of KQ-values are available depending on the choice of qo, and IL (insertion values).

5. KQ-values will appear in the list on the right.

6. You can have a quick reference on how large qo is required by typing in Qo and 3-dB BW % fields. Note that qo is the normalized unloaded Q and is related as Qo = qo * BW.

7. Click OK. New KQ-values will be copied to the KQ-values list. You can edit KQ-values, delete lines or insert new lines.

8. Click Recreate G-values to create the prototype from KQ-values.



Next Wizard Step ... Specifications


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