Topology Overview

A cable harness in CST CABLE STUDIO consists of the following objects: Nodes, Segments, Routes, Cables and optionally Connectors. Cables are composed of single wires that are arranged in various ways to twisted cables, ribbon cables or cable groups. In addition, cables can be shielded with braided or solid shields (see Cable Navigation Tree). Each single wire in a cable or cable bundle carries its individual electrical Signal. At either side of single wires or cables there are Terminals enabling electrical loadings definition. All cable terminals at a certain node in the 3D space can be gathered in a connector.  


Routes comprise Nodes and Segments (and also the objects Traces). Nodes are defined locations in the 3D space, Segments are defined between node pairs, and Traces refer to a certain sequence of Nodes. So a Route defines a special  path for an amount of cables. The relationship between Nodes, Segments and Routes can be best explained by a small example. The figure below presents a topology consisting of six Nodes that are combined by five Segments. There are two Routes defined: the first is called path1 and is defined by the N1-N2-N3-N6. The second is called path2 and defined by the path N5-N2-N3-N4. It is obvious that both routes have one common segment N2-N3.



In Route path1 four different cables are laid. The specific arrangement of the cables in their common cross-section is called bundle and is, by default, equal along all segments. The bundle is displayed in the Cross Section window when selecting the Route path1 in the Cable Navigation Tree as shown in the figure below:



Inside route path2 there is laid only one single coaxial cable that can also be displayed in the Cross Section window as shown in the figure below:



When going into the Cable Navigation Tree and selecting segment N2-N3 the cables from the two different Routes path1 and path2  overlap as can be seen in the figure below. In section Segments it will be explained how this overlap can be removed.



In CST CABLE STUDIO the user has the possibility to define the cable’s topology step-by-step by using the specific dialogs for Nodes, Segments, and Routes. But he ca also start directly in the Routes dialog box and define all required nodes and segments there. Particularly, in the Routes dialog box it is possible to define a Route by means of Traces define a sequence of certain nodes. When doing so, the corresponding segments are automatically created then.

In the following sections it will be explained how to create Routes step-by-step by using the individual dialogs for Nodes, Segments, and Routes. Furthermore, it will be explained how to create Routes  by using the function "Route from Curve".




Split Segment




Nodes and Segments can be part of different Routes. Each segment contains its individual cable bundle that can change from one segment to the other.

Routes can be defined as stubs containing several traces and a number of branches. In case of a stub, single wires have got more than two ends  terminals) respectively