Topology - Nodes

The Edit Nodes dialog box shows the list of all available nodes and is available via Cable Navigation Tree: Nodes: selecting the Nodes folder and either double-clicking or choosing Edit inside the context menu (via right-mouse-click).The icons on the top of the dialog box enable actions which are explained below. The meaning of each icon is also explained by tool-tips. To see a tool-tip just move the mouse-pointer over the corresponding icon:



Every Node demands a unique Name. The position is determined by X-, Y and Z-coordinates.  It is possible to edit the name and the coordinates directly inside the table or by selecting a node and performing the editing in the row above the table.  


The Edit Node dialog box shows one specific node. It can be accessed via Cable Navigation Tree: Nodes: selecting the Nodes folder, selecting a specific Node inside, and either double-clicking or choosing Edit inside the context menu (via right-mouse-click).