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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Generating Reports and Postprocessing >
   Working with Traces       

Working with Traces

A trace in a 2D or 3D report defines one or more curves on a graph. A trace in a data table defines part of the displayed matrix of text values.

The values used for a plot’s axes (which may be X, Y, Z, phi, theta, or R depending on the display type) can be variables in the design, such as frequency, or functions and expressions based on the design’s solutions. If you have solved one or more variables at several values, you can "sweep" over some or all of those values, resulting in a curve in 2D or 3D space.

A report can include any number of traces and, for rectangular graphs, up to four independent y-axes. Traces appear in the Project tree under their report. They can be selected, copied and pasted. When you move a cursor over a trace in a report, the cursor changes to show that you can make a selection:

• For PC systems, the cursor changes to the color of the selectable trace.

• For Unix systems, the cursor changes to a solid black arrow, rather than the default black outline.


The topics for this section include:

Adding a Trace to a Report

Editing Trace Properties

Editing the Display Properties of Traces

Adding Data Markers to Traces

Discarding Report Values Below a Specified Threshold

Add Trace Characteristics

Removing Traces

Define Traces Using Range Functions

Copy and Paste of Report and Trace Definitions

Copy and Paste of Report and Trace Data


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