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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Generating Reports and Postprocessing >
   Working with Traces >
       Editing Trace Properties           

Editing Trace Properties

To edit trace properties such as the name, the component definition, or the context, or the variables select the trace in the Project tree.


To edit a trace name:

1. Select the trace in the Project tree.

This displays a docked Properties window for the Trace.

2. Check the Specify Name box.

This enables editing of either the Name field in the docked properties dialog, or the Trace label text in the Project tree. Editing this name changes the display in the Legend and in the Project tree, but not the underlying Y-component definition.


To control the display of the Solution Name and Variation Key in the Legend, see Report 2D: Legend Tab.


To edit a trace component definition:

1. Select the trace in the Project tree.

2. In the docked Properties window for the trace, select the component field of interest, and select Edit from the drop down menu.

This displays the an edit Component field window.form which you can edit the category, quantity and function.

3. Click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog.


To edit a trace Context:

1. Select the trace in the Project tree to display the docked properties window.

2. In properties window, click the Solution field or the Domain field. If other selections are possible, they can be selected from the drop down menu.


To edit a variable for a trace:

1. Select the trace in the Project tree to display the docked properties window.

2. Under the -Variables category, on the Families line, click the Edit button to display the Edit families dialog.

From this dialog, you can select the Sweeps or Variations radio buttons. Each selection changes the

If other nominal values are available you can click the ellipsis button to select from a list.


Related Topics

Removing Traces

Editing the Display Properties of Traces

Discarding Report Values Below a Specified Threshold

Add Trace Characteristics

Adding Data Markers to Traces

Setting Report2D Options

Copy and Paste of Report and Trace Definitions

Copy and Paste of Report and Trace Data

Delta Markers in 2D Reports


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