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Optimetrics >
   Setting up a Sensitivity Analysis        

Setting up a Sensitivity Analysis

(System, Nexxim and Planar EM)

During a sensitivity analysis, Optimetrics explores the vicinity of the design point to determine the sensitivity of the design to small changes in variables. The variables and their attributes define the design point, the problem around which the sensitivity analysis is performed.

When Optimetrics performs a sensitivity analysis, its goal is to calculate the second-order regression polynomials for all of the design’s output parameters. The algorithm first determines an appropriate interval for each variable. The intervals are further sub-divided according to the available number of iterations and variables. If the master output is not used, the specified initial displacement values define those intervals.

When all of the design calculations are complete, the second-order polynomials are fitted for all the output parameters. Optimetrics then reports the following quantities:

• regression value at the current variable value.

• first derivative of the regression.

• second derivative of the regression.

Here is the general procedure for setting up a sensitivity analysis.

1. Before a variable can be included in a sensitivity analysis, you must specify that you intend for it to be used during a sensitivity analysis in the Properties dialog box.

2. On the Product menu, point to Optimetrics Analysis, and then click Add Sensitivity.

The Setup Sensitivity Analysis dialog box appears.

3. Under the Calculations tab, type the maximum number of iterations per variable value that you want Designer to perform in the Max. No. of Iterations/Sensitivity Variable text box.

4. Under Output Parameters, set up an output parameter.

5. Specify the value of the design point at which the sensitivity analysis should stop in the Approximate Error in Master Output text box.



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