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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Optimetrics >
   Setting up a Sensitivity Analysis  >
       Setting up an Output Parameter           

Setting up an Output Parameter

Following is the general procedure for adding an output parameter to a sensitivity setup.

1. Under the Calculations tab of the Setup Sensitivity Analysis dialog box, click Add.

A new row is added to the Output Parameters table.

2. In the Solution column, click the solution from which the output parameter will be extracted.

3. Specify a solution quantity on which to base the output parameter.

4. In the Calc. Range text box, set the value of the variable at which the output parameter will be computed.

5. If you have more than one output parameter, select Master Output if you want Optimetrics to use the output parameter to base its selection of solved design variations.


During a sensitivity analysis, the design variations that Optimetrics selects to solve are close to the design point, but not so close that numerical noise (from the finite element mesh) affects the analysis. The algorithm that Optimetrics uses to determine the design variations to solve must be based on only one output parameter and that output parameter’s numerical noise. If you have defined more than one output parameter, be sure to select Master Output for the output variable on which you want the selection of design variations to be based.

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