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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Optimetrics >
   Setting up a Sensitivity Analysis  >
       Setting up an Output Parameter >
           Setting the Calculation Range of an Output Parameter               

Setting the Calculation Range of an Output Parameter

The calculation range of a solution quantity determines the intrinsic variable value at which the solution quantity will be extracted. For a sensitivity setup, the calculation range must be a single value. For a Driven Modal or Driven Terminal design, if you specified that the solution be extracted from the last adaptive solution, Optimetrics uses the adaptive frequency defined in the solution setup. If you specified that the solution quantity be extracted from a frequency sweep solution, by default Optimetrics will use the starting frequency in the sweep.

1. Under the Calculations tab of the Setup Sensitivity Analysis dialog box, click Edit Calc. Range.

The Edit Calculation Range dialog box appears.

2. In the Variable pull-down list, click a variable.

If you chose to solve a parametric setup during the sensitivity analysis, the variables swept in that parametric setup are available in the Variable pull-down list. If you sweep a variable in the parametric setup that is also a sensitivity variable, that variable will be excluded from the sensitivity analysis.

Other examples of available variables include frequency, if you selected an S-parameter solution quantity; and phi or theta, if you selected a radiated field quantity as the solution quantity.

3. The Single Value option is selected by default. In the Value text box, type the value of the variable at which the solution quantity will be extracted.

4. Click Update, and then click OK.

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