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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Component Models >
Coplanar Waveguide Elements   

Coplanar Waveguide Elements

This section describes the following coplanar waveguidedistributed elements available in Nexxim.

General Components

Air Bridge

Air Bridge, Cross Over





Unmitered Bend, Distance between Ground Planes Specified

Unmitered Bend, Gap Width Specified

Mitered Bend

Coupled Lines

Coupled Lines, Broadside, Physical Length, Field Solver

Coupled Lines, Broadside, Electrical Length, Field Solver

Coupled Lines, Asymmetric, Physical Length, Field Solver

Coupled Lines, Asymmetric, Electrical Length, Field Solver


Lange Coupler, Physical Length

Lange Coupler, Electrical Length



Slot Gap


Rectangular Inductor

Open Stubs

Open Stub, Physical

Open Stub, Physical, with Reference

Open Stub, Electrical

Open Stub, Electrical, with Reference


Thin-Film Resistor

Shorted Stubs

Shorted Stub, Physical

Shorted Stub, Physical, with Reference

Shorted Stub, Electrical

Shorted Stub, Electrical, with Reference

Transmission Lines

Tapered Line

Transmission Line, Physical Length

Transmission Line, Physical Length with Reference

Transmission Line, Electrical Length

Transmission Line, Electrical Length with Reference

This section also contains information on the Coplanar Waveguide substrate type.

Selecting None for the Initial Substrate

Creating a Coplanar Waveguide Substrate

Selecting a Coplanar Waveguide Substrate at the Component Level

Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) Substrate

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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