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Layout Editor User Guide >
   Configuring a Stackup       

Configuring a Stackup

After adding a design to a project, the next step is to create the design’s dielectric and metal layers using the Layout Editor. Layers are defined and modified in the Edit Layers window.

Alternately, you can use Edit Layers dialog to import a stackup defined in an XML file. The XML file that defines the stackup is typically created using a third party text editor such as Microsoft Notepad or VI on Linux. For more information see Importing a Stackup.


Embedded Dielectric Layers

A signal layer can be assigned a dielectric material. And since signal layers are permitted to overlap other layers, you can create a stackup with dielectric materials embedded within other layers.

Planar EM Analysis

Planar EM ignores all geometry on both dielectric layers and on signal layers with dielectric materials. A warning is issued during validation. Note: “Layer <layer name>” with a dielectric material will be ignored by the Planar EM solver.

HFSS Analysis

Meshes correct modeling, and the dielectric materials are sent to the HFSS solver.


To configure a stackup:

1. Click anywhere on the Layout view window to activate it.

2. On the Layout menu, click Layers.

The Edit Layers window appears.

3. Modify the stackup as follows:

• Add a layer.

• Remove a layer.

• Add sublayers to a metal layer.

• Sort the layers according to elevation.

• Re-order the layers by dragging and dropping them.

• Under the Layers tab, specify whether or not a layer in the project is writable, visible, or selected for editing. Select the color, pattern, and position of each layer in the project. Click on column headings to configure which columns to display.

• Under the Stackup tab, specify the name, material attributes, thickness, elevation, and roughness of each layer in the project. Click on column headings to configure which columns to display.



The Edit Layers window will stay open while you make changes under the Layers and Stackup tabs. Click Apply in the Edit Layers window to apply the changes you make. Click Close to close the Edit Layers window.


The topics for this section include:

Adding a Layer

Removing a Layer

Adding a Sublayer

Sorting Layers

Drawing on a Layer

Setting Layer Visibility

Activating Layers

Setting a Layer Color

Setting a Layer Pattern

Setting Layer Associations

Default Layers

Guidelines for Overlapping Layers

Guidelines for Stackup Elevations

Assigning Materials to Layers

Setting the Drag Mode

Setting Layer Thickness

Setting the Etch Factor

Setting the Layer Lower Elevation

Setting the Layer Upper Elevation

Setting the Layer Surface Roughness


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