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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Layout Editor User Guide >
   Configuring a Stackup >
       Setting the Layer Lower Elevation           

Setting the Layer Lower Elevation

The lower elevation of a layer is the lowest point of the layer. For example, if you create a layer with a lower elevation of 2 microns, the layer begins at 2 and extends upwards until it reaches the Upper Elevation value. A signal layer’s Lower Elevation value indicates its elevation above the ground plane (which is at zero.)


To set a layer’s lower elevation:

1. In the Edit Layers window, click the Stackup tab.

2. In the Lower Elevation column, double-click a layer’s Lower Elevation text box.

3. Type a new value and its units in the text box.

The value can be specified using a number (e.g., 0.5um), a variable (e.g., $H), or an expression (e.g., $H-0.5um+$W). If the Drag Mode is “manual align,” the variable or expression is entered as the value. For any other Drag Mode setting (including no setting, as with a dielectric layer), the variable or expression is evaluated to a constant value and the constant value replaces the variable or expression. A message box appears for you to confirm the replacement.

4. Press Enter.

The layer is assigned the lower elevation you entered.

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