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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Layout Editor User Guide >
   Configuring a Stackup >
       Guidelines for Stackup Elevations           

Guidelines for Stackup Elevations

Dielectric layers must stack on top of one another, they cannot overlap and there can be no gaps. Throughout an entire stackup, the lower elevation of each dielectric layer must be the top elevation of the dielectric layer directly below. Note that a dielectric layer that rests above another floats down to the next layer below. So, if you need to configure an air gap between the two layers, you must explicitly add a dielectric layer between the two that is defined with the material “air”.


Also note that signal layers and metallized signal layers can be embedded within a dielectric layer or within an interface that exists between dielectric layers, and that:

• Signal layers and metallized signal layers can overlap.

• Signal layers can have non-zero thickness.

• Metallized signal layers always have zero thickness.


The “Drag Mode” allows you to automatically set the upper and lower elevations of signal layers and metallized signal layers when dragging. There are three drag modes: top align, bottom align, and middle align:

• Top Align — The signal layer moves down a little so that the top of the layer is aligned with the bottom of the dielectric interface.

• Bottom Align — The signal layer moves up a little so that the bottom of the layer is aligned with the top of the dielectric interface.

• Middle Align — The upper and lower elevations are set so that the middle of a non-zero signal layer is at the top of the dielectric layer below.


If the signal layer has zero thickness, all three drag-mode alignments — top, bottom and middle — behave in the same way. And since metallized signal layers have zero thickness, the three alignments always act in the same way with metallized layers.

If the drag mode is set to “manual,” you can manually set the elevations within the dielectric stackup. The elevations can be set using numeric values, variables, and expressions.

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