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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Design Examples >
Nexxim RF Design Examples >
   Oscillator and Phase Noise Analysis >
       Perform a Resonant Frequency Search           

Perform a Resonant Frequency Search

Resonant frequency search performs a limited form of oscillator analysis to obtain a rough estimate of the resonant frequency. With resonant frequency search, only the initial guess phase of oscillator analysis is performed. In addition, resonant frequency search uses the frequency sweep method rather than the transient method used in the full oscillator analysis. The frequency sweep method operates on highly linearized versions of the circuit elements. We can compare the result obtained by the resonant frequency search with the result of the fully nonlinear oscillator analysis obtained earlier in this example.



Resonant frequency search is a separate analysis only in Nexxim running under Designer. With netlist designs, the equivalent of resonant frequency search can be set up using oscillator command entries and options. For more information see .OSC Resonant Frequency Search Statement.

1. Right-click the Analysis icon and select Add Nexxim Solution Setup > Oscillator Resonant Frequency Search.

2. The Oscillator Resonant Frequency Search setup dialog opens.

3. In the Frequency Sweep panel, Frequency Start is 1MHz, Frequency End is 5MHz, and Number of Steps is 1000. The values are displayed in decimal form:

4. Click Run. The analysis runs directly from the dialog window. The Progress window briefly opens to show the progress of the analysis.

5. When the simulation has completed successfully, the Oscillator Design Analysis window opens to display the result:

6. The resonant frequency occurs where the imaginary part of the probe current Im[I(Probe1)] (the darker trace) crosses the zero line on the Y-axis. This frequency displays in the Resonant Frequencies field at the top of the window. Because of the limitations of resonant frequency search, the estimated resonant frequency is about 30% higher than the frequency calculated by the full oscillator analysis.

7. Click Close to close the Oscillator Design Analysis window.

8. Click OK to close the Oscillator Resonant Frequency Search dialog.

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