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Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Oscillator Analysis >
   Oscillator Analysis Netlist Formats >
       .OSC Resonant Frequency Search Statement           

.OSC Resonant Frequency Search Statement

The resonant frequency search syntax is used when only an initial estimate of the oscillating frequency is desired. The oscillator analysis line for resonant frequency search is:


The TONES and MAXK entries can use either the single-tone format or the multi-tone format. See .OSC Single-Tone Statement and .OSC Multi-Tone Statement for details.

The entry INITIAL_GUESS_ONLY=YES limits the calculation to the initial guess phase. When this entry is present, the second phase with harmonic balance analysis is not performed. By default, the entry INITIAL_GUESS_ONLY=NO is present, and both phases of calculation are performed.

In addition, the netlist must contain the following options:

.OPTION initial_guess=freq_sweep
.OPTION initial_guess.freq_sweep.start=val
.OPTION initial_guess.freq_sweep.stop=val

These options select a frequency sweep for the initial guess at the resonant frequency.

A fourth option may also be used:

.OPTION initial_guess.freq_sweep.num_steps=val

This option sets the number of steps to use in the frequency sweep. The default is 50 steps.

Here is an example using the resonant frequency search with two-tone oscillator analysis syntax:

*Resonant frequency search with mixer and driver
\\ circuit details not shown

.param freq_guess=2e6, RF_freq=0.5e6

rosc_probe 2 3 osc_probe=1 A=0.001 FREQ=freq_guess

.option osc.initial_guess=freq_sweep
.option osc.initial_guess.freq_sweep.start=freq_guess
.option osc.initial_guess.freq_sweep.stop='4*freq_guess'

.OSC TONES=[freq_guess,RF_freq] MAXK=[31,4]


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