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Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Oscillator Analysis   

Nexxim Oscillator Analysis

Oscillator analysis uses harmonic balance analyses to find the oscillating frequency of a resonant circuit. The process of finding the unknown resonant frequency can be aided by providing an estimate that is close to the true value.

Oscillator analysis uses an oscillator probe element to provide a range of test voltages and frequencies. Use of the probe is explained in the Theory of Operation topic. The analysis has two phases. First, initial estimates of the oscillating frequency and test voltage are made, either from user input or as directed by simulator options, and those estimates are assigned to the probe. Second, multiple harmonic balance analyses are performed while adjusting the probe frequency and voltage, until a more accurate, final resonant frequency is found.

Oscillator analysis can be set up for single-tone or multi-tone calculations. In single-tone analysis, a single resonant frequency is calculated. In multi-tone analysis, two or more unknown oscillations are analyzed, optionally including the effects of one or more driving frequencies. The simulation can be directed to run an initial estimate (resonant frequency search), or to run both the initial and the final phases of oscillator analysis. The simulation can include phase noise analysis.

The topics for this section include:

Running Single-Tone Oscillator Analysis from the Schematic Editor

Running Multitone Oscillator Analysis from the Schematic Editor

Running Resonant Frequency Search from the Schematic Editor

Running Phase Noise Analysis from the Schematic Editor

Running Oscillator Analysis from the Netlist Editor

Oscillator Analysis Netlist Formats

Oscillator Analysis Technical Notes

Oscillator Analysis Options

Oscillator Analysis Outputs

Viewing OSC Noise Contributors

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