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Nexxim Simulator > .OSC Multi-Tone StatementThe multi-tone syntax for the OSC statement is used to analyze a circuit with multiple oscillating frequencies: One unknown resonant frequency (F1) plus one or more known driven oscillations (RF1 through RFM) such as sinusoidal voltage sources. The circuit must contain one oscillator probe for the unknown resonance. Two or more unknown resonant frequencies (F1 through FN) with no driven oscillations in the circuit. The circuit must contain one oscillator probe for each of the unknown resonances. Two or more unknown resonant frequencies (F1 through FN) plus one or more known driven oscillations (RF1 through RFM). The circuit must contain one oscillator probe for each of the unknown resonances. An example would be a mixer circuit connecting one or more voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs) of unknown frequencies with one or more RF sources of known frequencies to produce a single resultant IF output. This form uses parentheses to enclose a comma-separated list of tone frequencies and the corresponding comma-separated list of harmonics: .OSC TONES=[F1 [, ... FN]
[, RF1 [, ... RFM]]] The left and right brackets are required in the multi-tone form of the OSC statement. The first N of the TONES frequencies (F1 through FN in the syntax above) must equal the FREQ parameter settings of the N oscillator probes in the circuit. These frequencies are the initial estimates of the unknown resonant frequencies for the circuit, and the corresponding MAXK entries (maxkF1 through maxkFN) are the highest harmonics to calculate for the corresponding frequencies. After the list of unknown frequency estimates, the TONES list should have entries for the M known, driven frequency sources in the circuit (RF1 through RFM in the syntax above). The corresponding MAXK entries (maxkRF1 through maxkRFM ) are the highest harmonics to calculate for the corresponding driven oscillations. The number of oscillator probes in the netlist determines the number of TONES frequencies that are treated as estimates of the unknown frequencies to be calculated. The remaining frequencies in the TONES list are treated as the fixed frequencies of the driven oscillations. The frequency estimates in the TONES list should be the same as the ones entered in the FREQ parameters of the oscillator probes. The TONES values override the probe FREQ parameters if they are not the same. Here is an example of a netlist using the multi-tone oscillator analysis syntax: *Oscillator with mixer and driver .param freq_guess=2e6, RF_freq=0.5e6 Rosc_probe 2 3 osc_probe=1 A=0.001 FREQ=freq_guess .OSC TONES=[freq_guess,RF_freq] MAXK=[31,3] .END HFSS视频教程 ADS视频教程 CST视频教程 Ansoft Designer 中文教程 |
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