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Shell or Thicken Sheet

Modeling: ToolsShape Tools Shell Solid or Thicken Sheet

With this action you can hollow out a solid or thicken a sheet body to create a solid. That is done by subtracting a smaller but equally shaped solid from the original one. This can be quite useful if you want to create a structure with walls of equal thickness.


Exclude a face from the shell action

If you pick a face before executing the shell action, the face will excluded from the shell action.

Example:Shell a waveguide

Pick  the two end faces


Result of shelling inside







No picked faces


Result of shelling inside







Thicken Sheet:

Example:Thicken a sheet body

Select the sheet body


Result of thicken sheet  inside



Thicken Sheet


Direction frame

Inside: The walls will be created to the inside direction of the original shape. The original shape will become the outside of the wall. The outside dimensions will not change.

Outside: The walls will be created to the outside direction of the original shape. The resulting shape will be bigger by the wall thickness.

Centered: The walls will be created by adding walls of half width to the outside and to the inside direction. The resulting shape will be bigger than the original one by half the wall thickness.


The original shape:


The wall inside


The wall outside


The wall centered



Here you may specify the thickness of the walls to be created.


Accepts the input and closes the window.


Previews the outcome of the current settings. This helps to visualize  the definition of Inside and Outside in regard to thicken a sheet.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Brick, Sphere, Cylinder, Elliptical cylinder, Cone, Torus, Extrude Profile, Extrude Face, Rotate Profile, Rotate Face, Loft, Coordinate systems.

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