Block Properties - General

Navigation Tree: Blocks<Block Name>PropertiesGeneral

This dialog box contains general information about the block. Depending on the block, not all of the options below may be available.


The name of the block is displayed and can be modified by editing.

Lower frequency bound

The lower frequency bound of the data of the block is displayed.

Upper frequency bound

The upper frequency bound of the data of the block is displayed.

File name

The name of the file the block is based on is displayed. This is either the file that is used for simulation (in case of file blocks), or it is the file the block was imported from (in case of parameterized or CST DESIGN STUDIO blocks).


For blocks that reference an external file: Opens a "File Open" dialog box, where a different file can be browsed for.

For blocks that support a vendor library: Opens the vendor library dialog box.


Reverts the block to its default behavior. This function is only available for blocks that support a vendor library and have a default description (a resistor is an example for a device that has a default description).


Opens the external or built-in software that is associated with the block. Any changes of the project associated with the block will be recognized by CST DESIGN STUDIO. For some blocks, a simple editor window is opened instead of the external software, where you can manually modify the associated project file or a text property.


For some blocks a "package" can be specified. A package defines the geometry of the device that will be used in the layout view.

Cloned block...

Used by clone blocks to specify the referenced block.

Store relative path

For file blocks only.
To consider a relative path for the file that such a block is based on, mark that check box.

Use AR filter whenever possible

For CST MICROWAVE STUDIO blocks and CST MICROWAVE STUDIO file blocks only.
CST MICROWAVE STUDIO offers the possibility of calculating S-parameters via the AR filter method. If you prefer to consider those results, mark that check box.

Active S-Parameter

For Touchstone blocks it is necessary to specify if the given data characterizes an active or a passive device. For active devices, passivation of the block's S-parameters will be omitted in transient simulation.

Higher-order interpolation

For  Touchstone blocks, the interpolation method can be specified by this checkbox . If it is checked, a rational fit interpolation will be applied on the S-parameter data of the Touchstone file, otherwise, a linear interpolation will be applied. Linear interpolation is recommended, if the data is noisy, e.g.,  this might be the case for measured data.  Rational fit interpolation is recommended, if the data is smooth, e.g., this might be the case for properly converged simulated data.


Accepts your settings and leaves the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Performs your settings without leaving the dialog box.


Shows this help text.

See also

Block Overview