Block Selection Tree: Field SimulatorsCST MICROWAVE STUDIO file block

Block Selection Tree: Field SimulatorsCST CABLE STUDIO file block


This type of block implements the import of a CST MICROWAVE STUDIO or CST CABLE STUDIO file. For better readabily, only CST MICROWAVE STUDIO is used below instead of spelling out both CST MICROWAVE STUDIO and CST CABLE STUDIO. A CST MICROWAVE STUDIO file block always refers to a file on disk (or any other storage medium of course), whereas the CST MICROWAVE STUDIO block stores the CST MICROWAVE STUDIO project files internally (uses a copy).

General Usage

This type of block is not parameterized to avoid inconsistencies that arise from applying an incompatible parameter set to a CST MICROWAVE STUDIO model that has been modified in the meantime. As an alternative, the parameterized CST MICROWAVE STUDIO block allows parameter modifications.


The CST MICROWAVE STUDIO file block also provides the possibility to calculate the results with different solvers without changing the project file. The settings for the different solvers are taken from the last settings made for this solver in the project file (or the default, if none exists). The solver settings can be changed in the Block Properties - Solver dialog box. This dialog box also offers additional solver settings for CST CABLE STUDIO projects.


The number of internal ports is automatically set according to the ports (discrete ports, waveguide ports) defined for the CST MICROWAVE STUDIO model. For CST CABLE STUDIO projects, the terminals of the created cable model are taken into account as well. Some of the ports might be not excited during the simulation within CST MICROWAVE STUDIO file; therefore, the corresponding result files do not exist. If an internal port, representing the not-excited CST MICROWAVE STUDIO port, is connected, CST MICROWAVE STUDIO automatically calculates the missing results.


There are some further particularities of a CST MICROWAVE STUDIO block that should be mentioned for the sake of completeness:

For a CST MICROWAVE STUDIO block, a further navigation tree item called 'Info' is accessible. Clicking on this item opens a simple text box that contains information about the project that the block is associated with.

Some Details

After dropping this type of block inside the schematic view, the Import CST MICROWAVE STUDIO File dialog box is opened. There, you may browse for a CST MICROWAVE STUDIO project file.


Apart from the properties common to File Blocks there is an additional property that can be set while inserting the block, but that can also be modified later by customizing the block’s property dialog:

A CST MICROWAVE STUDIO file block is represented by a small image of the 3D model and a small arrow on the lower left indicating that it is a file block. The number of internal ports corresponds to the number of (waveguide or discrete) ports defined in the CST MICROWAVE STUDIO model.



Let us examine the contents of a CST MICROWAVE Studio file block’s property dialog box. Because this type of block provides no parameters, the initial page shown is the Block Properties - General page.


A CST MICROWAVE Studio file block is always frequency bounded. As usual, the limits are displayed in the Block Properties - General page. Furthermore, the file that the block refers to is displayed there. The block offers the usual features of File Blocks like browsing for a new file, editing the referenced project, choice of relative or absolute paths, updating file references and recovery of lost files.


If no results are available for the associated project they will be automatically calculated during the execution of a task.

See also

Block Overview, File Blocks