Create a Polygon

Modeling: CurvesPolygon

In this dialog box you may specify the points of a polygon either numerically or by using expressions. The construction will always be performed in the currently active coordinate system.

Each polygon will be assigned to a previously defined curve.

Within its curve each item is identified by a unique name. The curve item can be addressed by this name for subsequent editing operations.

As soon as the curve item is defined it will appear in the main plot window and on the navigation tree.

The picture below shows an open and a closed polygon defined in global coordinates:


Open Polygon Curve


Closed Polygon Curve









Specify the unique name for the polygon.


Select the curve to which this polygon item will be assigned from the list of previously defined curves or enter a new name.

Points frame

In this frame you can edit, insert or delete points in the polygon.

X, Y or U, V: In these fields you enter new point coordinates or edit the coordinates of a previously selected point. Each of these entries must be either a simple numerical value or a valid expression.

Relative to previous: Check here if you want to define the point coordinates relatively to the previously entered point.

Insert: Inserts a new point into the list above the currently selected point. You can then specify the coordinates of the new point in the X, Y or U,V fields.

Delete: Deletes the currently selected point from the list.

Import/Export:  Press this button to get Load From... and Save As... options.

Load From...: Opens a file selector dialog to specify a two column ASCII file containing point coordiantes X,Y or U,V. The separator of the columns can be space ,tab ,comma or semicolon.

Save As...: Opens a file save dialog to save point coordiantes to a two column ASCII file.

      Clear: Deletes all points from the list.


Press this button to finally create the polygon.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Curve Creation, Line, Circle, Ellipse, Arc, Rectangle, Spline, 3D Polygon, Analytical Curve, Selected Edges to Curve, Chamfer Curve, Blend Curve