Blend Curve

Modeling: CurvesCurve ToolsBlend Curve

In this dialog box you can specify the radius of the blend applied to a curve at a previously picked point. The corresponding menu or toolbar items will only be active if a curve or a curve item has been selected before. After activating the blend operation, an interactive mode will be entered where a point needs to be picked from the curve.

The blend operation will then modify the curve items connected to the selected point and create a new item which actually represents the blend. The blend item can be identified by a unique name, e.g. for subsequent editing operations.

As soon as the blend is defined it will appear in the main plot window and on the navigation tree.

The picture below shows a blend applied to a corner of a rectangle:




Specify the unique name for the blend item.


Specify a valid expression for the radius of the blend.


Press this button to finally apply the blend.


Press this button to create a preview image of the blend. This option is very useful to check the settings before you actually apply the blend.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Curve Creation, Line, Circle, Ellipse, Arc, Rectangle, Polygon, Spline, Selected Edges to Curve, Chamfer Curve, Blend Curve Mode