Selected Edges to Curve

Modeling: CurvesCurvesSelected Edges

In this dialog box you can create a new curve item from previously picked edges. The newly created item will become a copy of the picked edges.

A new item will be assigned to a previously defined curve. Thus the corresponding menu or toolbar items will only be active if at least one curve has been defined before (Curves New Curve) and an edge has been previously picked from within the structure.

Within its curve each item is identified by an unique name. The curve item can be addressed by this name for subsequent editing operations.

As soon as the curve item is defined it will appear in the main plot window and on the navigation tree.


Specify the unique name for the curve item.


Select the curve to which this item will be assigned from the list of previously defined curves or enter a new name.


Press this button to finally create the curve item.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Curve Creation, Pick Edges, Line, Circle, Ellipse, Arc, Rectangle, Polygon, Spline, Chamfer Curve, Blend Curve