Create a Line

Modeling: CurvesCurvesLine

In this dialog box you may specify the dimensions of a line either numerically or by using expressions. The construction will always be performed in the currently active coordinate system.

Each line will be assigned to a previously defined curve.

Within its curve each item is identified by an unique name. The curve item can be addressed by this name for subsequent editing operations.

As soon as the curve item is defined it will appear in the main plot window and on the navigation tree.

The picture below shows a line defined in global coordinates:




Specify the unique name for the line.

X1, Y1

Specify valid expressions for the start point coordinates of the line in global coordinates. Please note that these entries only appear when the global coordinate system is currently active.

X2, Y2

Specify valid expressions for the end point coordinates of the line in global coordinates. Please note that these entries only appear when the global coordinate system is currently active.

U1, V1

Specify valid expressions for the start point coordinates of the line in local coordinates. Please note that these entries only appear when a local coordinate system is currently active.

U2, V2

Specify valid expressions for the end point coordinates of the line in local coordinates. Please note that these entries only appear when a local coordinate system is currently active.


Select the curve to which this line item will be assigned from the list of previously defined curves or enter a new name.


Press this button to finally create the line.


Press this button to create a preview image of the line. This option is very useful to check the settings before you actually create the line.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Curve Creation, Circle, Ellipse, Arc, Rectangle, Polygon, Spline, 3D Polygon,  Analytical Curve, Selected Edges to Curve, Chamfer Curve, Blend Curve