Stationary Current Sources

Several different source types are available for the stationary current field solver.



(Floating or fixed)

Potentials can be defined on perfect electric conductors (PEC solids).

If a PEC solid has to be maintained at a specific potential, then specify the potential type to be Fixed.

Alternatively, the PEC solid can be made floating (Floating potential). A floating solid has a constant but unknown potential such that the total current leaving the solid is zero.

Boundary Potentials

(fixed and floating)

Boundary Potentials can be defined via the boundary conditions dialog. In order to assign a potential to a boundary, the corresponding boundary condition in the "Boundaries" tab must be set to "normal" or "electric".

It is possible to choose between zero-potentials (default), predefined potentials (fixed) or constant but unknown potentials (floating).

Current Path &

Coil Segment

In stationary current field problems, non-closed current paths find application to simulate the idealization of thin o solid conductors with a given current.

A current path or a coil segment can be used to prescribe the total current in a touching massive conductor.


Current Port


A current port is a face with a constant potential on a conductive material surface. When hexahedral meshes are used, this surface must be located on the boundary of the computational domain.

The potential value or the total current through the current port can be prescribed. Through the current port, currents can leave or enter the calculation domain.

If no potential is prescribed, the sum of the prescribed currents entering and leaving  a connected set of conductive and PEC solids must be zero in order to ensure that the defined model is solvable..



Note: When no source has been assigned to an unconnected PEC solid, it will usually be considered as a solid with a zero-potential. To change this default behavior enter the Specials dialog in the Stationary Current Solver Parameter dialog box and switch the default treatment of PEC solids from Grounded to Floating.


See also

Stationary Current Solver Overview