Mesh View (Tetrahedral)

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In the mesh view, the most recently generated mesh is visualized and all actions concerning the further mesh creation may be performed. The automatic mesh generator may be controlled and the resulting mesh is displayed. This view should always be checked before a simulation is started because the mesh has a strong influence on the achievable accuracy of the results.

Here, we concentrate on the range of functions available for tetrahedral meshes. More information about the demands on tetrahedral meshes may be found in the Mesh Generation Overview (Tetrahedral). For hexahedral meshes, see Mesh View (Hexahedral) and Mesh Generation Overview (Hexahedral). For surface meshes, see Mesh View (Surface) and Mesh Generation Overview (Surface).

Entering and updating the mesh view

The mesh view may be entered by pressing the Home: MeshMesh View button ( ). If no tetrahedral mesh has been generated before, or if the mesh has been deleted, it is necessary to update the mesh. This may be performed by pressing the update Mesh: Mesh ControlUpdate button ().

The main plot window in the mesh view

By default the main plot window shows the surface mesh of the structure elements.

The volume mesh may be visualized by activating the Cutting Plane by pressing the View: Sectional ViewCutting Plane button (). Note that the Draw solid cutplane field in the options frame of the cutting plane dialog must be checked to see the volume mesh.

Visualization of the background material mesh

To display the mesh of the background material, please activate the background material drawing in the View: OptionsView Options dialog.

Navigation tree in the mesh view

The Navigation Tree changes when entering the mesh view. All post processing folders disappear. If specific mesh properties are set for a shape, see Local Mesh Property (Tetrahedral), this is visualized in the mesh view with the icon in the navigation tree.

See also

Cutting Plane, Mesh Properties, Special Mesh Properties