Navigation Tree Overview

The Navigation Tree allows you to switch between different views of the program. The views control the contents of the main plot window. It is sorted in folders and items, similar to files on a hard drive.

General behavior

If a folder is not empty a ”+” sign can be seen in front of it. If this sign is clicked on, the folder will open and show its contents and the ”+” sign will change to a ”-” sign. Clicking on the sign again lets the folder shrink to its previous appearance. Alternatively, you can also use the right arrow key to expand and the left arrow key to collapse an item. Keep the CTRL key down while using the left and right arrow keys to expand all and collapse all respectively.

If an item is selected,  it will be highlighted and the main plot window will show the corresponding plot.

For every item, there is a specific context menu. Many important commands on the selected item are available from there.

The appearance of the tree may change depending on the demands of the projects. Some folders will be shown only if its entries have been previously defined.

Appearance of the tree

Modeler View Items: These folders contain and manage structure elements as well as some simulation specific definitions (like Sources, etc.).

Mesh View: (Mesh Control) In the Mesh View the main plot window visualizes the mesh and mesh related items. Also, only mesh related settings and definitions can be made. No structure editing or solver settings are possible there. The Mesh Control folder contains manually defined fixpoints that are used by the automatic hexahedral mesh generator.

Post Processing Views: Through these folders the simulation results can be accessed and viewed.

Voxel Data  View:  (Voxel Data) This item is not a permanent member of the tree. Only if the project contains parts of the human model data set, this item will be shown in the tree.

Text Files:  After the solver run text results (e.g. energy, charges, etc.) are stored in the navigation tree. Also description files (Project name + ”^Name.txt”) can be stored in the same subfolder like the project and appear automatically as Name in the navigation tree.  




It is possible to select multiple items under one root folder i.e. Components, Materials, Wires, Ports, Lumped Elements, 1D Results, etc







Moreover, it is also possible to do a mixed selection using items under the root folder Components, Wires, Ports and Lumped Elements only.


See also

1D Plot Overview, 1D Result View, Field Plots, Parameter Sweep, Mesh View (Hexahedral), Mesh View (Tetrahedral), Materials