Cable Library - Cable Groups

Cables: Cable Library Cable Groups

The dialog box is also available via Cable Navigation Tree: Library Cables. The icons on the top of the dialog box enable actions which are explained below. The meaning of each icon is also explained by tool-tips. To see a tool-tip just move the mouse-pointer over the corresponding icon:



Cable groups are the most general cable types supported by CST CABLE STUDIO. Any kind of cable bundle consisting of single wires, twisted cables, ribbon cables, and coaxial cables can be created. Furthermore, it is possible to include cable groups into other cable groups, thus making hierarchical definition of complex cable structures possible. Cable groups can be wrapped with insulating or conducting films, they can be cast in different materials, and the position of each individual wire can be exactly determined or randomly arranged.


The dialog box contains different frames. All available cable groups are listed in the Cable groups frame on the left side.


The tree-like list in the middle frame shows all cables or sub-cable-groups that belong to the currently selected cable group. Each cable group requires a unique name that has to be assigned in the field Name at the top of the right frame. The underlying unit size for geometry definition can be selected with the Units pull-down menu. Changing the unit for an existing object does not affect the size of the cable but just displays the original size in the corresponding unit. At the top of the right column. If the user clicks on a certain cable group inside the middle frame the Add button on the top will be enabled. With this button the user has the possibility to add any kind of cable from the Cable Library to the selected cable group.  After a cable has been added, the definition dialog box on the right side will change according to the needs of the corresponding cable. he user can Duplicate or Delete an existing cable by using the corresponding buttons on the top of the cable list.


If a certain cable group (not an underlying cable)  is selected the parameter definition dialog box on the right shows two further tabs:


Content tab

The Content tab includes additional insulators, screens or discontinuous shields that can be defined for the cable group.


Layout tab

The Layout  tab presents a tabular view for all cables in the cable group with their distinct positions and rotation angles. Each cable is situated at a certain x- and y-position in a local system of coordinates. A positive or negative rotation angle defines a turn to the left or to the right. The rotation center is the origin of the system of coordinates in which the dedicated (just selected) cable was defined. For example, for a single wire the rotation center is identical to the center of gravity. For arbitrarily shaped cables or cable groups, however, the rotation center and center of gravity may differ. At the right top of the dialog box there is the Auto Layout button which allows an automatic arrangement of all cables and surrounding materials. When doing so, the position of each individual cable in the cable group is determined in such a way that the resulting cable’s cross-section is close to a circular area (see figure below). Instead of that, there is always the possibility of  determine the wanted arrangement manually.




If a cable group contains other cable groups, it is possible to perform hierarchical arrangements. If the Hierarchical flag at the top of the dialog box is tagged, all cables in the top cable group and all further sub cable groups will be automatically arranged after pressing the Auto Layout button. If the Hierarchical flag is de-activated, only the cables in the top cable group will be arranged while keeping the positions of the cables inside the sub-cable-groups frozen.


Discontinuous Shields

A discontinuous shield is a screen which is continuously interrupted by insulating gaps. There is no DC current path through it and therefore, a discontinuous shield is not handled as a Signal and no Terminals will be derived. The corresponding dialog box is shown in the figure below: