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Variables in Designer >
   Defining Project Variables       

Defining Project Variables

To define a new project variable:

1. Do one of the following:

• In the project tree, right-click the icon for the project to which you want to add a project variable, then click Project Variables.

• In the project tree, select the icon for the project to which you want to add project variables. Then, on the Project menu, click Project Variables.

The Properties dialog appears.

By default, the Project Variables tab is displayed, but two additional tabs are available: Intrinsic Variables and Constants. The Intrinsic Variables tab displays reserved system-defined variables that are used by various Ansoft tools. See Reserved Variable Names for details. The Constants tab displays the names and values of predefined numeric constants that can be used wherever valid number values are used in Designer.

2. Click Add. The Add Property dialog box appears.

In the Name box, type a variable name.

Project variable names must start with the symbol $ followed by a letter. Variable names may include alphanumeric characters and underscores ( _ ). The names of Intrinsic Functions and the pre-defined constant pi (π) cannot be used as variable names. For more information see Reserved Variable Names.

3. In the Unit Type text box you can use the drop down menu to select from the list of available unit types. “None” is the default.

When you select a Unit Type, the choices in the drop down menu for the Units text box adapt to that unit type. For example, selecting Length as the Unit Type causes the Unit menu to show a range of metric and english units for length. Similarly, if you select the Unit Type as Resistance, the Units drop down lists a range of standard Ohm units.

4. In the Value text box, type the quantity that the variable represents. If you did not specify the Unit Type and Unit, you can also optionally include the units of measurement.


If you include the variable’s units in its definition in the Value text box, do not include the variable’s units when you enter the variable name for a parameter value.

The quantity can be a numerical value, a mathematical expression, or a mathematical function. The quantity entered will be the current value (default) for the variable. If the mathematical expression includes a reference to an existing variable, this variable is treated as a dependent variable. The units for a dependent variable will automatically change to those of the independent variable on which the value depends. Additionally, dependent variables, though useful in many situations, cannot be the direct subject of optimization, sensitivity analysis, tuning, or statistical analysis.

5. Click OK or press Enter.

6. In the Properties dialog, you may click Add Array to Define Array Variables.

7. Do either of the following:

• To add another project variable, click Add.

• To finish adding project variables, click OK.




Designer prepends a $ character to each project variable name you specify. The $ symbol becomes an essential part of the project variable name and must be included whenever you specify an existing project variable as a parameter value.

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