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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Variables in Designer >
   Defining an Expression >
       Mathematical Functions           

Mathematical Functions

A mathematical function is an expression that references another defined variable. A function’s definition can include both expressions and variables. The following mathematical functions may be used to define expressions:





• The predefined variables X, Y, Z, Phi, Theta, R, and Rho must be entered as such. X, Y, and Z are the rectangular coordinates. Phi, Theta, and Rho are the spherical coordinates. R is the cylindrical radius, and Rho is the spherical radius.

• If you do not specify units, all trigonometric expressions expect their arguments to be in radians, and the inverse trigonometric functions’ return values are in radians. If you want to use degrees, you must supply the unit name deg. When the argument to a trigonometric expression is a variable, the units are assumed to be radians. These function names are reserved and may not be used as variable names.

• As far as expression evaluation is concerned: units are conversion factors (that is, from the given unit to SI). Note also that the evaluated value of an expression is always interpreted as in SI units.


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