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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Variables in Designer >
   Defining an Expression       

Defining an Expression

Expressions are mathematical descriptions that typically contain Intrinsic Functions such as sin(x) and/or arithmetic operators such as +, -, /, and *. Expressions in Designer may also contain pre-defined constants, but such constants may not be reassigned a new value. The Constants tab of the Project Variables dialog lists the available pre-defined constants. These may not be reassigned a new value. Defining one variable in terms of another makes a dependent variable. Additionally, dependent variables, though useful in many situations, cannot be the direct subject of optimization, sensitivity analysis, tuning, or statistical analysis.




Numerical values may also be used in expressions, and can be entered using Ansoft’s shorthand for scientific notation (i.e., 5x107 may be entered as 5e7).


The topics for this section include:

Operator Precedence

Mathematical Functions

Range Functions

Intrinsic Functions

Pre-Defined Constants


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