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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Adding a Solution Setup >
   Specifying Solution Settings >
       Add Planar EM Solution Setup >
           Planar Setup: Solver Tab               

Planar Setup: Solver Tab

Click the Solver tab of the Add Planar EM Solution Setup dialog to access the following settings.


• General options:

• Use loop tree: the Moment Method basis functions are re-organized to provide low frequency solution accuracy and stability.

• Accuracy level: determines the level of precision of various computations in the simulation procedure. The default solution accuracy level is level 2, the usual recommended level. For very large solutions, accuracy level 1 is recommended. For more information see Setting the Solution Accuracy Level.

• Specialized design type:

— Generic: no special treatment by the engine.

— Spiral Inductor: the engine treats the currents on zero thickness metals as a volume current; the current on the vias simply transfers from one end to the other without consideration to the wire.

• Modelling Options:

• Signal layers thinner than <value> are modeled as zero thickness: metal signal layers in the design which are thinner than the given value are modeled as being infinitely thin in order to reduce simulation time.

• Dielectrics thinner than <value> are merged with an adjacent: dielectric layers in the design which are thinner than the given value are merged into an adjacent dielectric; material properties are accumulated using a weighted average.

• Solver type selection: determines what matrix solver is used, based on the number of unknowns.

• Direct solver: use the direct matrix solver.

• Iterative solver: GMRES type matrix solver.

• Ansoft MoM Fast Solver™: the Ansoft "method of moments" technology that is used to solve especially large matrix equations.


HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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