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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Adding a Solution Setup >
   Specifying Solution Settings >
       Add Planar EM Solution Setup >
           Planar Setup: Options Tab               

Planar Setup: Options Tab

Click the Options tab of the Add Planar EM Solution Setup dialog to access the following settings.


• Initial Mesh Options: options that define the initial mesh (before adaption).

• Do Lambda Refinement: mesh edges are reduced to a length equal to the wavelength scaled by the Lambda Target.

• Lambda Target: the fraction of the wavelength that determines the refined triangle edge length, e.g. if the value is '0.1' then an edge length of 0.1* is used as the refinement target.

• Use Default Value: if checked, a default lambda target value is used otherwise the user may enter any value greater than zero. Typically the value is a fraction less than 1.

• Quality Refinement Options: refine for triangle quality - e.g. no sharp angles, uniform size.

• Refine for quality: adjust triangles until there are no angles less than the minimum; this may require the insertion of many triangles in the neighborhood of a sharp angle.

— Minimum angle: adjust triangles until no angle is less than this minimum.

• Refine for uniformity: adds additional points to the mesh in order to limit long edges if the ratio between the average and maximum edge lengths exceeds the desired ratio.

— Max/mean edge length ratio: the maximum permissible ratio between the maximum triangle edge length and the mean edge length.

• Include edges from layers closer than: geometry edges from layers closer (in elevation) that this distance is pulled into the layer currently being meshed (providing they don't fall on an existing edge). Simulation accuracy typically benefits from this operation.

• Adaptive Options:allows you to specify the following adaption option settings.

• Maximum Refinement Per Pass: determines how many tetrahedra are added at each iteration of the adaptive refinement process. The tetrahedra with the highest error will be refined. The value is a percentage.

• Minimum Number of Passes: the maximum number of mesh refinement cycles that you would like the solver to perform. This value is a stopping criterion for the adaptive solution; if the maximum number of passes has been completed, the adaptive analysis stops. If the maximum number of passes has not been completed, the adaptive analysis will continue unless the convergence criteria are reached.

• Minimum Converged Passes: an adaptive analysis will not stop unless the minimum number of converged passes has been completed. The convergence criteria must be met for at least this number of passes before the adaptive analysis will stop.



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