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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Component Models >
Stripline Elements   

Stripline Elements

This section describes the following distributed elements, which can be implemented in Nexxim with the Stripline substrate type.

General Components


Tee with Center Reference

Tee with Edge Reference

Tee, Compensated

Via Hole

Via Hole with Reference

Via Pad

Via Pad with Reference


Bend, Unmitered

Bend, Mitered

Bend, Optimally Mitered

Bend, Radial

Coupled Bends

Coupled Bends (2)

Coupled Lines

Coupled Lines, Open Ends

Multi-Coupled Lines, Physical Length

Multi-Coupled Lines, Electrical Length

Multi-Coupled Lines, Asymmetric


Branch Coupler

Ring Coupler

Cross Junctions



Gap, Symmetric

Gap, Asymmetric

Open-Ended Lines

Open End Effect

Open Stub, Physical Length

Open Stub, Physical Length with Reference

Open Stub, Electrical Length

Open Stub, Electrical Length with Reference

Shorted Stubs

Shorted Stub, Physical Length

Shorted Stub, Physical Length with Reference

Shorted Stub, Electrical Length

Shorted Stub, Electrical Length with Reference

Tapered Lines

Tapered Line, W Specified, with Reference

Tapered Line, W Specified, Impedance Taper

Tapered Line, W Specified, Exponential Width Taper

Tapered Line, W Specified, Linear Width Taper

Transmission Lines

Transmission Line, Field Solver

Transmission Line, Physical Length

Transmission Line, Physical Length with Reference

Transmission Line, Electrical Length

Transmission Line, Electrical Length with Reference

This section also contains information on the following substrate types which can be used to implement distributed elements. Each element help topic documents the substrate types that can be used to implement it.

Selecting a Stripline Substrate

Creating a Custom Stripline Substrate

Selecting a Stripline Substrate at the Component Level

Stripline (SL) Substrate


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