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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Component Models >
Stripline Elements >
   Open Stub, Physical Length with Reference       

Open Stub, Physical Length with Reference




Netlist Form

An instance of an open stub, physical length with reference node has the following netlist syntax:

Axxx n1 n2 W=val P=val COMPONENT=open_stub SUBSTRATE=substrate_name

n1 is the name of the node attached to the open stub. n2 is the name of the reference node. The entry COMPONENT=open_stub identifies the element as an open stub, physical length with or without a reference node.

The entry SUBSTRATE=substrate_name identifies the Stripline substrate model name selected for the design (see Selecting a Stripline Substrate). See the Stripline (SL) Substrate for information on this substrate type.

Open Stub, Physical Length with Reference, Instance Parameters






Line width




Physical length



Netlist Example

A44 Port1 Port3 W=0.001 P=10e-3

where SL1, the selected layout technology or substrate type, has a definition such as:

.SUB SL1 SL( B=0.001524 Er=4.40000000000000
+ TAND=0.0200000000000000 MET1=1.72413793103448
+ T1=1.7145e-005 RGH=0mil)


1. [All substrates] The physical model using physical length includes the open end length correction.

2. [All substrates] The open stub model is equivalent to a transmission line model followed by an open model. This is also true in the case of negative length specifications, which are used for deembedding purposes. Note that in the latter case, the open stub model is equivalent to the transmission line model with a negative length terminated by an open.

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