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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Using Component Libraries >
Using the Symbol Editor >
   The Symbol Menu       

The Symbol Menu

The Symbol menu lists options for symbol naming, property displays, and file operations. Its entries include:

Update Project

This option updates the current project with changes made in the current symbol.


Update Project updates your symbol changes to the current project in memory and does not save your changes to disk. To save your changes to disk, you must also click Save on the File menu. If you would like the changes you have made in a symbol to be available for use in other projects, you must export the symbol to a library as described in the Edit Libraries dialog topic.

Set Name

This option opens a Properties dialog through which you can rename the current symbol.

Property Display Setup

This option opens the Properties dialog box so you can add or modify display of the names and/or values of properties associated with the component represented by the current symbol.

Pin List

This option gives you access to settings related to pin properties by opening the Pin List dialog box.

Grid Setup

This option gives you access to settings related to the symbol editor grid resolution, color, and visibility by opening the symbol editor Grid Setup dialog box.

Export File

This option saves the current symbol as a Microsoft Enhanced Meta File (.emf) graphic.

Edit Component

This option launches the Edit Component dialog box to modify the component associated with the active symbol.

Normalize Symbol on Save

Allows you to normalize the symbol you are editing when you save after making modifications.

Edit Component

Opens the Design List dialog, which lists the objects in the layout. Each column may be sorted by clicking on the heading. One or more object rows can be selected and operated upon with the Delete and Properties buttons.

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