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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Using Component Libraries >
Using the Symbol Editor >
   Editing Pin Properties       

Editing Pin Properties

To edit a property of a symbol pin, open the symbol editor’s Pin List dialog box by doing either of the following:

• In the Symbol menu, click Pin List.

• On the Symbol toolbar, click the Pin list icon .


The Pin List dialog box displays and sets values for the properties of symbol pins.

The available pin properties include:

Name — This editable cell displays and sets the pin name. To specify or change the name of a pin, click in the Name cell for that pin, type the name, and then press Enter or click in another cell.

Show Name — This check box controls visibility of the pin name in the schematic editor. For a new pin, it is unchecked by default.

Show Number — This check box controls visibility of the pin number in the schematic editor. For a new pin, it is unchecked by default.

Type — This drop-down list sets the pin type, the options for which include Normal (the default), ANSI In, ANSI Out, and Zero Length. To change a pin’s type, click in its Type cell, and then click the desired option.

Length — This editable cell sets the length of the pin stem (the graphical line associated with the pin port symbol). By default, new pins have a pin stem length of 10. To change the length of a pin, click in its Length cell, type a new value, and then press Enter or click in another cell.

Hide Pin — This check box controls whether or not a pin is visible in the schematic editor. For new pins, it is unchecked by default.

Hidden Pin Net — This cell, editable when Hide Pin is checked, specifies the net (the circuit node) to which a pin will be connected if it is hidden. To specify a net, click in the Hidden Pin Net cell, type a net name, and then press Enter or click in another cell.


Changing Pin Properties

To change a pin property:

1. Click the cell that displays the pin property value that you want to change.

2. Modify the property value appropriate to its type as described above.

3. Do either of the following:

• To commit the new value and continue editing pin properties, click another property value.

• To commit the new value and stop editing pin properties, click OK.


HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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