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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Using Component Libraries >
Using the Symbol Editor >
   The Symbol Editor Grid Setup Dialog Box       

The Symbol Editor Grid Setup Dialog Box

The Symbol > Grid Setup dialog box sets visibility, colors, resolution, and snapping for the Symbol Editor’s alignment grid. It contains the following controls.


Major — Specifies the spacing of the major grid lines (default in mils). To change the color of the major grid lines, click the Major color button, specify a color in the Color dialog box, and then click OK

Minor — Specifies the spacing of the minor grid lines (default in mils). To change the color of the minor grid lines, click the Minor color button, specify a color in the Color dialog box, and then click OK.

Show Grid — Toggles grid line visibility.

Snap to Grid — Controls whether graphics and text placed on the grid automatically snap to the nearest grid intersection.

Background Color — To set the background color used for symbol editing, click the color box to open its dialog, specify a color, and then click OK.

Save as Default — Save the current Grid Setup values as defaults for future Designer sessions.

Defaults — Restore all Grid Setup settings to their defaults.

OK — Commit changes and close the dialog.

Cancel — Close the dialog without committing changes.




• To ensure electrical connectivity among schematic elements, placed symbol pins snap to a 100-mil grid (2.54-millimeter) regardless of the graphical Major and Minor grid line settings. This snapping cannot be turned off, and the spacing of the connectivity grid cannot be adjusted.

• The units used for grid line spacings are controlled by the Tools > Options > General Options dialog box.

• Use of the Minor grid settting varies depending upon the active editor. In the Layout Editor, the minor grid-line setting specifies the number of units between each minor grid division. However, in the Schematic and Symbol Editors, the minor grid-line setting specifies the number of minor grid lines that appear between major grid lines.


HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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