CST MWS关于staircase mesh的问题
用CST仿真螺旋天线时经常会出现“XXX mesh cells are represented in staircase mode and have been filled with PEC”的warning,有什么好的办法可以解决这个问题呢?如果直接网格加密,就会使得总的网格数目过大。
还有一个问题就是mesh type 中的staircase是什么意思呢?看帮助文件也没有看太懂。当我把mesh type 改为staircase后仿真时出现Line impedance adaptation is deactivated for staircase mesh的warning,哪位达人能解释一下呢?
"xxx" mesh cells are represented in staircase mode and have been filled with PEC/PTC.
"yyy" mesh faces are represented in staircase mode and have been filled with PEC/PTC.
Depending on the chosen hexahedral solver this warning might appear. It means that within a mesh cell or a mesh face a certain geometrical configuration cannot be used to run the solver correctly. Therefore these cells or cell faces are filled with PEC or PTC depending on the chosen problem type. However, in many cases these filled cells do not influence the simulation results significantly. The staircase based cells can be seen in the mesh view.
Please make sure that the mesh is not too coarse at locations where the staircase based cells appear.
Depending on the chosen problem type, please activate the "Use TST cells" checkbox if provided in the "Mesh Properties - Hexahderal->Specials...->Advanced" dialog box.
CST MWS帮助文件《Mesh Problem Handling》。
关于第二个问题,不知道你看的是哪个帮助文件,是《Staircase Mesh》这个吗?Stairecase mesh通常用于表面结构(surface structure)或者导入但无法修复(imported shape that cannot be healed)的模型。
如果模型设置了波导端口,默认情况下,瞬态求解器会在仿真之前在端口区域使用网格优化计算准确的line impedance和场模式,但此功能不支持staircase mesh。
CST MWS帮助文件《Special Solver Parameters - Waveguide》。
Line impedance adaptation before solver run: Activates the adaptive port meshing feature to automatically calculate a more accurate line impedance and mode pattern. For this purpose the port mode solver runs several passes while adaptively refining the port mesh.
Accuracy: Represents an accuracy limit for the relative error of the line impedance. The adaptive port meshing is finished when the line impedance has not changed more than this value for two following passes or the maximum number of passes is reached.
Max. number of passes: Restricts the number of passes in the adaptive port meshing if the port line impedance takes too long to converge.