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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Working with Designer Projects >
   Setting Options via Configuration Files >
       User Options and the Update Registry Tool           

User Options and the Update Registry Tool

When you change an options value using the Desktop UI, the new value is stored in the host dependent user options config file. You can also use the UpdateRegistry tool to add or modify settings in the host dependent user options config file. You cannot use the Desktop UI to remove settings from the host dependent user options config file, however. You must use the UpdateRegistry tool to remove settings from the host dependent user options config file.

If a user has not explicitly created a host dependent user options config file or a host independent user options config file, then when a user first runs an Ansoft tool on a host, all settings will come from the host dependent default options config file or the installation default options config file. Any settings for another host in a host dependent user options config file will not be carried over to the new host. This may be inconvenient if the user has preferred option settings that differ from the settings that apply to all users, especially if the user runs the Ansoft tool on a number of different hosts. In this case, the user may set these option values in the user's host independent user options config file. Then, these option values will be used on all new hosts, overriding any values set by the administrator to apply to all users. Any changes made in the UI will only affect the user's host dependent user options config file for the current host.

Example of Removing a Host Dependent User Option Setting

Example Adding a Host Independent User Option Setting

Setting the Temporary Directory

Example Temporary Directory Configuration File Format

Setting the Temporary Directory Using the GUI

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                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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