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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Working with Designer Projects >
   Setting Options via Configuration Files >
       User Options and the Update Registry Tool >
           Example of Removing a Host Dependent User Option Setting               

Example of Removing a Host Dependent User Option Setting

For this example, user jsmith always uses host jshost to run Designer 14.0. At some point, jsmith set the Autosave interval in the General Options dialog, Project Options tab to 1000 edits, and this value was written to the jsmith's host dependent user options config file for host jshost. Now, jsmith wants to remove this setting and return to the default value of 10. User jsmith may run the following command on host jshost to remove the Desktop/Settings/ProjectOptions/AutoSaveInterval option value from this config file:

UpdateRegistry -Delete -ProductName Designer14.0
-RegistryKey Desktop/Settings/ProjectOptions/AutoSaveInterval
-RegistryLevel user_machine

Related Topics

User Options and the Update Registry Tool

Example Adding a Host Independent User Option Setting

Setting the Temporary Directory

Example Temporary Directory Configuration File Format

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