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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Working with Designer Projects >
   Setting Options via Configuration Files >
       User Options and the Update Registry Tool >
           Example Temporary Directory Configuration File Format               

Example Temporary Directory Configuration File Format

This section describes the format of the Temporary Directory configuration files. The format is the same for files at all four levels: user_machine, user, install_machine, and install. These files are text files, so any text editor may be used to modify or create Temporary Directory configuration files.

An example temporary directory configuration file is shown below:

$begin 'Config'


$end 'Config'

The temporary directory specified by this configuration file is C:/TEMP/Ansoft.

Additonal notes:

The string containing the pathname of the temporary directory must be enclosed in single quotes.

The forward slash "/" may be used as a directory separator on Windows and Linux. The back slash "\" may be used as a directory separator on Windows only.

The back slash "\" is used as an escape character in the tempdirectory string. That it, this character removes the special meaning of the following character.

The single quote character normally ends the tempdirectory string. The back slash may be used to remove this special meaning, and include a single quote in the string.

To use a back slash as a directory separator on Windows, it must be escaped. That is, a double back slash "\\" is used to denote a single directory separator.

On Windows, a UNC path normally begins with two back slash characters. In a tempdirectory string, each of these back slash characters must be doubled, so four consecutive back slashes "\\\\" are used in the config file.

UNC Example

Config file:

$begin 'Config'


$end 'Config'

Here hostxyz is a host with a sharename TEMP having subdirectory abc used as the Temporary Directory. This shows that four back slashes are required for UNC names and that back slashes used as directory separators must be doubled.

Single Quote Example

Config file:

$begin 'Config'


$end 'Config'

Temporary directory is C:/TEMP/ab'cd. This shows how to include a single quote in a tempdirectory pathname. It also shows that forward slashes may be used as directory separators on Windows.

Related Topics

User Options and the Update Registry Tool

Example Adding a Host Independent User Option Setting

Example for Setting the Temporary Directory

Setting the Temporary Directory Using the GUI

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