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Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Envelope Analysis   

Nexxim Envelope Analysis

Envelope analysis is commonly used to analyze systems where harmonic balance or transient analysis alone is not adequate. Such systems include circuits with two inputs, where one input is a fast-changing periodic or quasiperiodic source such as a clock or Local Oscillator (LO) and the other input is a nonperiodic source such as a baseband RF modulator that changes on a timescale that is orders of magnitude slower than the timescale of the fast-changing input. Transient analysis would require a small timestep to capture the fast-changing input, but then would require a very large number of timesteps to simulate the slowly-changing nonperiodic input. Harmonic balance would fail to analyze the nonperiodic input.

Envelope analysis uses transient analysis to simulate the slowly-moving signal in the time domain, plus harmonic balance to analyze the fast-moving signal in the frequency domain. The time-domain analysis can use a varying timestep that is appropriate to the slowly-changing waveform. At each timestep of the transient analysis, an HB analysis is run. The frequency coefficients at each time step are stored and returned as the result. From these coefficients, you can obtain a variety of results including a transient-like time-domain result.


The topics for this section include:

Running Nexxim Envelope Analysis from the Schematic Editor

Running an Envelope Analysis from the Netlist Editor

Nexxim Envelope Analysis Options

Nexxim Envelope Analysis Outputs


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