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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Envelope Analysis >
   Nexxim Envelope Analysis Outputs       

Nexxim Envelope Analysis Outputs

To display the results of an envelope analysis, click on the Results icon in the Project tree and select Create Report. The Create Report dialog opens. There are several ways to display the data.

To plot data as an eye diagram:

1. Select Eye Diagram as the Report Type and Rectangular as the Display Type on the Create Report dialog. Click OK to close the Create Report dialog and open the Report dialog.

2. Select the Solution from the pulldown. The Domain is always Time.

3. Select one or more quantities from the IQ Voltage or IQ Current listing, and then click Add Trace.

4. Click Done to close the Report dialog. The Report window opens with the graph of the results.

To plot data as a constellation chart:

1. Select Constellation as the Report Type and Rectangular as the Display Type on the Create Report dialog. Click OK to close the Create Report dialog and open the Report dialog.

2. Select the Solution from the pulldown. The Domain is always Time.

3. Select one or more quantities from the IQ Voltage or IQ Current listing, and then click Add Trace.

4. Click Done to close the Report dialog. The Report window opens with the graph of the results.

To plot a normal voltage or current (not I or Q) against time:

1. Select Standard as the Report Type and Rectangular as the Display Type on the Create Report dialog. Click OK to close the Create Report dialog and open the Report dialog.

2. Select the Solution from the pulldown, and select Time as the Domain. This domain plots one HB result per envelope time point.

3. Select one or more quantities from the Voltage or Current listing, and then click Add Trace.

4. Click Done to close the Report dialog. The Report window opens with the graph of the results.

To plot a normal voltage or current (not I or Q) against transient time:

1. Select Standard as the Report Type and Rectangular as the Display Type on the Create Report dialog. Click OK to close the Create Report dialog and open the Report dialog.

2. Select the Solution from the pulldown, and select Transient-Time as the Domain. This domain plots using all the transient time points.

3. Select one or more quantities from the Voltage or Current listing, and then click Add Trace.

4. Click Done to close the Report dialog. The Report window opens with the graph of the results.

To view the amplitude of a particular frequency over time:

1. Select Standard as the Report Type and Rectangular as the Display Type on the Create Report dialog. Click OK to close the Create Report dialog and open the Report dialog.

2. Select the Solution from the pulldown, and select Time as the Domain.

3. Select one or more quantities from any category, and then click Add Trace.

4. Click Done to close the Report dialog. The Report window opens with the graph of the results.

To view the spectrum of a particular signal or node:

1. Select Standard as the Report Type and Rectangular as the Display Type on the Create Report dialog. Click OK to close the Create Report dialog and open the Report dialog.

2. Select the Solution from the pulldown, and select Spectral as the Domain.

3. Select one or more quantities from the Voltage or Current listing, and then click Add Trace.

4. Click Done to close the Report dialog. The Report window opens with the graph of the results.

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