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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim DC Analysis   

Nexxim DC Analysis

DC (direct current) analysis first initializes the circuit, then solves the circuit equations to derive the DC operating point. The DC operating point consists of the voltages at all nodes and currents through all branches and includes the DC bias voltage applied to semiconductor devices. DC operating point analysis also provides the initial values used as the starting point for DC sweep analysis, harmonic balance, and transient analysis, unless these are set by the user. It also provides the large-signal bias operating point for small-signal AC analysis, noise analysis, and linear network analysis. Successful and accurate calculation of the DC operating point is essential for these simulations. For details on DC sweep simulations, refer to the separate topic on Variable Sweep.


In particular, the accuracy of the DC operating point solution strongly affects the accuracy of the small-signal analyses.


The topics for this section include:

Viewing DC Bias Voltages and Currents in a Schematic

Running DC Analysis from the Schematic Editor

DC Operating Point Statement in a Netlist

DC Analysis Options

DC Analysis Technical Notes

Convergence, Speed, and Accuracy


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