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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim DC Analysis >
   Convergence, Speed, and Accuracy       

Convergence, Speed, and Accuracy

DC operating point simulation provides the large-signal bias point that is important for small-signal analyses such as AC analysis, transfer function analysis, noise analysis, and linear network analysis. These small-signal simulations cannot be performed without a DC solution. Because the duration of the DC analysis is added to the small-signal simulations, it is important to achieve fast DC convergence with high accuracy.

The DC analysis must of course converge in order to obtain a usable result. Once convergence is achieved, the trade-off between solution accuracy and convergence speed can be considered. The options in the following topics affect the convergence, accuracy, or speed.

Options that Affect Nexxim DC Convergence Only

Options that Affect Convergence, Speed, and Accuracy

Summary of Effects of DC Options

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