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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Design Examples >
Nexxim RF Design Examples >
   Loadpull Analysis Example >
       Set Up a Loadpull Analysis           

Set Up a Loadpull Analysis

1. Left-click the Circuit pulldown menu from the top menu bar and select Add Nexxim Solution Setu, then choose Harmonic Balance (1-Tone).

2. The Harmonic Balance Analysis, 1-Tone setup dialog opens.

• In the upper left corner of the dialog, select 10 as the Max Harmonic Number.

• Set the F1 value to 500MHz.

• Verify that the Method is HB and Auto Refine Solution is No.

• Click Enable Load Pull. The Load Pull Settings dialog opens:

• Use the pulldown to select Port2 as the Port Name.

• Enter 500MHz as the Tuner Frequency.

• Verify that the termination impedances at the tuner frequency and at frequencies other than the tuner frequency are the defaults (50 Ohm), and that sweep gamma in mag/ang is selected.

• Click OK to close the Load Pull Settings dialog and return to the Harmonic Balance Analysis, 1-Tone setup dialog. The completed dialog should look like the following:

• Note that sweeps have been set up for ZRho and ZAng. These variables set the output load. Sweeping the output load generates the loadpull data.

• Click OK to close the Harmonic Balance, 1-Tone setup dialog.

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